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Emergency Involuntary Procedures (EIP) Review Committee

The Emergency Involuntary Procedures (EIP) Review Committee is a committee convened by the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health (Department) to review emergency involuntary procedures occurring on inpatient psychiatric units for those in the custody of the Commissioner. The Committee’s responsibilities will be to review aggregate data, review inpatient hospitals’ adherence to the requirements of the CMS and Joint Commission standards, to review the appropriateness of the decision(s) to use emergency involuntary procedures to ensure that there is external review and oversight of emergency involuntary procedures, and to prepare an annual report to the Department summarizing its work, providing suggestions and recommendations regarding the hospitals’ adherence to CMS & Joint Commission standards.

EIP Administrative Rule (July 1, 2016)

Emergency Involuntary Procedures (EIP) Review Committee Members

Emergency Involuntary Procedures Committee: Report to the Department of Mental Health July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

Next Meeting: June 14, 2024 10:30am

June 14, 2024

April 12, 2024 (Rescheduled from March 8, 2024)

December 8, 2023

September 8, 2023

June 9, 2023

March 10, 2023

For more information please contact the Department of Mental Health at 802-241-0090