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DMH Conference - April 9, 2025 - Killington, VT

Certified Community-Based Integrated Health Centers (CCBHCs)



Building with the words "Certified Community-Based integrated Health Centers (CCBHC)"

*SPECIAL NOTE: The SAMHSA federal guidelines refer to the program initiative as “CCBHC: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics.” However, the term “behavioral health” does not align with DMH values. Therefore, in partnership with state government departments and the Vermont CCBHC Steering Committee, the name “Certified Community-Based Integrated Health Centers” has been selected as the CCBHC program title in Vermont. This name reflects ongoing integration efforts across the state. 


Certified Community-Based integrated Heath Centers (CCBHCs) are community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers that offer a wide range of services, including 24/7 crisis care, outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment, primary care screening and monitoring, and peer support services.

The Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH), in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH), Division of Substance Use Programs (DSU), was one of 15 states to be awarded a $1 million, one-year state planning grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to develop and support a comprehensive statewide plan for a network of CCBHCs in Vermont.

This plan will include the solicitation of stakeholder and community input, establishing certification standards, and developing a reimbursement model for the implementation and sustainability of CCBHCs across the state.

*In March of 2024, DMH and VDH received a one-year no-cost extension to the CCBHC Planning Grant until March of 2025. Throughout the extension period, DMH and VDH intend to prioritize strengthening the certification process, conducting research on rate-setting methodologies, analyzing the financial implications for the state, and planning for the certification of additional sites across Vermont.*


CCBHC Public Meeting Series (Fall 2024)

The Department of Mental Health (DMH) held Certified Community Based integrated Health Center (CCBHC) public meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning August 13, 2024 and ending January 14, 2025.  Additional meetings may be scheduled according to need. The meeting agenda and topics are posted below. 

Meeting #8 -- Scheduled for 6/10/2025 from 11:30-1:00

Agenda and Teams information will be posted prior to the meeting.

Meeting #7 -- 3/11/2025

Meeting #6 -- 1/14/2025

Meeting #5 -- 12/10/2024

Meeting #4 -- 11/12/2024

Meeting #3 -- 10/8/2024

Meeting #2  --  9/10/2024

Meeting #1  --  8/13/2024

Vermont CCBHC Resources

Federal CCBHC Resources

Clinical Criteria and Certification Process Subcommittee

Meeting #1 - 9/27/24

Meeting #2 - 10/18/24

Meeting #3 - October 30, 2024

Meeting #4 - December 18, 2024

Meeting #6 - January 24, 2025

Finance and Billing/Coding Subcommittee

CCBHC Billing Manual Draft

CCBHC PPS & Encounter Claims v1.0 Nov 2024

CCBHC Staffing Guidance v1.0 Nov 2024

Quality Measures and Data Reporting Subcommittee

Subcommittee Meeting Notes (10/28/2024)

Subcommittee Meeting Notes (12/02/2024)

Subcommittee Meeting Notes (1/6/2025)

Subcommittee Meeting Notes (2/3/2025)


This webpage will provide updates and resources regarding DMH's work to the development of CCBHCs in Vermont. 

If you would like to stay informed about the progress of this grant and opportunities to share your voice and experiences, please sign up for our listserv at this link.