Interpreter Availability at DMH
The Department of Mental Health offers an opportunity to contact us with interpreter services, free of charge. In order to reach the Department with an interpreter in your preferred language, please dial the corresponding phone number below. The interpreters will call our main line, (802) 241-0090, and the line will be answered during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:45am-4:30pm, except for State Holidays. During off hours, the interpreter will leave a voicemail so we know to contact you with an interpreter on the line. You can expect a response within 1-2 business days. Thank you and we look forward to better serving you.
Phone numbers by language
Arabic (العربية): 802.276.5934
Bosnian (bosanski / босански): (802) 884-2590
Burmese (မြန်မာ): (802) 348-2342
Chinese (Mandarin, 官话): (802) 332-3349
Dari (دری): 802.392.2349
English: (802) 241-0090
French (Français): (802) 455-9167
Hebrew (עברית): (802) 328-9424
Hindi ( हिंदी ): (802) 444-8608
Kirundi (Ikirundi): (802) 444-8230
Maay Maay (Af- Mai-Mai): (802) 278-6036
Nepali ( नेपाली ): (802) 328-9957
Pashto (پ#تو): 802.618.6409
Somali (somaliyeed): (802) 210-3403
Spanish (Español): (802) 454-3497
Swahili (kiswahili): (802) 810-8767
Tigrinya (ትግሪኛ): (802) 230-1385
Ukrainian (українська): (802) 810-8667
Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt): (802) 962-6721
American Sign Language (ASL) video interpreter services are available; however, the call must be initiated by the Department. Please call the department main line to request a call back with an ASL interpreter.
Translated Video Resources
Click on a playlist below and select the video in your preferred language.
- How Difficult Experiences Can Affect Us
- Finding Ways to Deal with Stress of Sadness
- Staying Safe in Dangerous Situations
- Coping with Stress After a Disaster
- Getting Help After a Disaster from SOS-VT
- Everything to Know About the Emergency Department
- Calling the Hospital if You Need an Interpreter
Help is Available 24/7