For mental health support, please contact the Designated Agency (DA) in your local area and ask for an intake assessment.
- Intake assessments are done by intake coordinators at each site:
- Intake coordinators help determine what programs and services would be helpful, and how to apply for those services.
- The intake coordinator will schedule a meeting for you in order to complete the intake assessment
Appointments for meetings are usually scheduled within fifteen days after your first call.
Not all programs have the same eligibility criteria or services available, so it's important to work with the intake coordinator to agree on what your needs and strengths are, what services are available to you, and what you need to do to apply for services.
The Designated Agency can also help you get hospital services if deemed necessary.
If you need substance abuse treatment as opposed to mental health treatment, the Vermont Department of Health does contract with Designated Agencies to provide services. You should contact the designated agency in your area to ask about a substance abuse intake assessment.