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DMH Conference - April 9, 2025 - Killington, VT

Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Day Proclamation

State of Vermont Executive Department A Proclamation


WHEREAS,         Vermont recognizes the strain of the perinatal period on the mental health of 
parents and families and is working to increase community awareness about the prevalence of, and 
risks for, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders; and 


WHEREAS,         the state is committed to educating Vermonters on the resources and services 
available to support and treat perinatal mental health conditions while working to break down 
stigma associated with these temporary and treatable conditions; and


WHEREAS,         perinatal mood and anxiety disorders can develop any time during pregnancy, after 
the birth of a baby, and during the first year postpartum; and


WHEREAS,         as many as one in five pregnant or postpartum Vermonters suffer from symptoms of 
depression and/or anxiety during the perinatal period, and national data suggests these rates have 
increased to at least one in three since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic; and


WHEREAS,         perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the leading complication associated with 
childbearing and can include a spectrum of emotional distress, including but limited to Perinatal 
Depression, Perinatal Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder in the Peripartum, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and rarely, Postpartum Psychosis; and


WHEREAS,         due to the American history of structural racism, members of Black, Indigenous,  
and  People  of  Color  (BIPOC)  communities  are disproportionately  impacted  by  perinatal  
mental  health  conditions, experiencing them at rates that are two to three times higher than 
white individuals; and


WHEREAS,         perinatal mood and anxiety disorders touch most Vermont families in some way, 
given the emerging evidence that fathers, partners, and non-gestational caregivers (foster or 
adoptive parents) are also at risk from the stress of caring for a newborn baby.


NOW, THEREFORE,   I, Philip B. Scott, Governor, hereby proclaim May 4, 2022 as



Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont on this 4th day of May, A.D. 2022. Philip B. Scott Governor

Brittney L. Wilson
Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs