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DMH Conference - April 9, 2025 - Killington, VT

Vision 2030: A 10 Year Plan for an Integrated and Holistic System of Care


Vision 2030: A 10-Year Plan for an Integrated and Holistic System of Care is the result of a public input process the Department of Mental Health (DMH) undertook in 2019. The Department began the work in June of that year, traveling to Rutland, Burlington, St. Johnsbury, Randolph and Brattleboro for a total of 10 listening sessions. More than 300 people attended those sessions, where we facilitated small group discussions in order to get detailed input on what Vermont’s future mental health system of care should be – what it should look like, how it should function, what the priorities should be and more. View the notes from the listening sessions by region

We followed the listening tour with a “Think Tank” comprised of people with lived experience, peer support specialists, providers, legislators and others interested in the mental health system of care.

In order to ensure the Think Tank would be representative of the broad range of stakeholders and yet be small enough to be able to work, we selected members via an application process. The application was emailed to all of the contact lists the department has for designated agencies, hospitals, advocacy groups, standing committees and more. We also posted the application on the DMH website, which we announced at each listening session. 

The Think Tank met five times over the fall and early winter of 2019 and drafted the 10-year plan for mental health. The plan includes short term, mid-term and long-term strategies for the system of care that support goals identified by Vermonters during the Listening Tour. We submitted the plan to the legislature in January 2020, and were anticipating convening a Mental Health Integration Council in the fall of 2020, in order to begin the work of implementation. The demands of the COVID19 pandemic on Vermont's health systems, however, has delayed that work. We will post updates here as we know more. Work that was called for in the plan, however, has in many instances been advanced in direct response to the pandemic. Telehealth options, for example, are now available for anyone seeking mental health care, and are fully reimbursable. Much work has been undertaken to ensure children's mental health services are available even if children are not in the school building. We are creating an inventory of work that is moving ahead and supporting that work when we can. We look forward to convening the Mental Health Integration Council as soon as circumstances allow.

Meeting Information and Materials

Day 1 September 23, 2019 

Day 2 October 8, 2019 

Day 3 October 29, 2019

Day 4 November 22, 2019


Access and Flow



Person Centered Services and Equity

Integration and Structure

Funding and Parity


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