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DMH to Extend ‘Starting Over Strong Vermont’ Mental Health Outreach Program for Flood Survivors

Submitted by Jessica.Whitak… on
Press Release


Media Contact:  
Alex Frantz, Communications Director 
Vermont Department of Mental Health 

DMH to Extend ‘Starting Over Strong Vermont’ Mental Health Outreach Program for Flood Survivors

Waterbury, VT – The Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) has secured an extension to continue the Starting Over Strong Vermont flood recovery outreach program. This initiative, staffed by trained outreach workers, provides anonymous, free support including resource referrals and education. Other services include group and individual sessions focused on stress management techniques and coping strategies for disaster recovery. The extension is designed to help individuals affected by the July 2023 flooding who may be experiencing an increase in mental health impacts due to recent flooding events. 


Starting Over Strong Vermont is designed to reduce barriers to accessing mental health support through strengths-based, short-term assistance tailored to the unique needs of those affected by disasters. Program staff are available to provide both door-to-door outreach and through events at community locations, offering individual and group assistance.  


“We are devastated that Vermonters are once again grappling with the aftermath of flooding, and we know that the impact extends beyond just physical damage,” said DMH Commissioner Emily Hawes. “Folks are struggling with the fear, anxiety, and re-traumatization that comes from these recurring events and memories of last year’s flooding. We want our communities to know that we are here for them, and we are committed to providing these resources to promote their mental wellbeing.” 


If you or someone you know need support, Starting Over Strong Vermont outreach workers are available for community events, door-to-door visits, information booths, and in-person sessions to help manage stress and develop coping strategies. To be connected to a Starting Over Strong Vermont outreach worker, individuals in the nine counties impacted by the flood and its aftermath can contact Vermont 2-1-1. In addition to dialing 211, Vermonters can contact their local Designated Agency to be connected to outreach workers. To find contact information, visit the Starting Over Strong Vermont Webpage on the Department of Mental Health's website, where an interactive map provides details for each county's Designated Agency. 


For comprehensive information on Starting Over Strong Vermont services and service providers, please visit the Department of Mental Health Starting Over Strong Vermont Webpage:

Click here to access the DMH Starting Over Strong Vermont Webpage




Suicide is preventable, and help is available. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, you can call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, to be connected with a trained crisis counselor. To get help, give help, and join Vermont's suicide prevention efforts, visit


About the Department of Mental Health 

Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) has a critical mission to improve the conditions and well-being of all Vermonters across the state and protect those who cannot protect themselves. 
