Flood Recovery Outreach Program
Starting Over Strong VT helps individuals and communities recover from natural and human-caused disasters through community outreach and access to mental health services. The program grants are awarded after a presidential major disaster declaration. SOS-VT is here to provide assistance and education to all Vermonters who live and work in the declared counties: Addison, Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Lamoille, Orleans, and Washington.
Starting Over Strong VT outreach workers have been and will continue to be a resource for all Vermonters in all seven (7) counties impacted by the flood and its aftermath.

Get in touch today! 802-651-1767
You may also contact Vermont 2-1-1 to be connected to resources in your area. In addition to dialing 211, Vermont 211 can also be reached at: 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636.
The Starting Over Strong Vermont Program operates under three core values that capture the framework of resilience in flood recovery: Empathy, Support, and Empowerment.
- Empathy: Understanding and compassion for each individual's journey.
- Support: Providing a safe space for healing and growth.
- Empowerment: Equipping participants with tools and skills for resilience.
Starting Over Strong VT is a program that helps people recover and rebuild their lives after a disaster. The program supports short-term interventions that involve the following counseling goals:
- Helping disaster survivors understand their current situation and reactions
- Reducing stress and providing emotional support
- Assisting survivors in reviewing their disaster recovery options
- Promoting the use or development of coping strategies
- Connecting survivors with other people and agencies who can help them in their recovery process
Starting Over Strong VT follows key principles that make it different from other survivor support programs.
- Strengths-based: SOS-VT services promote resilience, empowerment, and recovery.
- Anonymous: Outreach workers do not classify, label, or diagnose people. No records or case files are kept.
- Outreach-oriented: Outreach workers deliver services in the communities rather than wait for survivors to seek their assistance.
- Conducted in nontraditional settings: Outreach workers make contact in homes and communities, not in clinical or office settings.
- Designed to strengthen existing community support systems: SOS-VT supplements, but does not end or replace, existing community systems.
Starting Over Strong - VT offers services to disaster survivors in their homes, shelters, temporary living sites, or houses of worship. Services may include:
- Individual and group crisis counseling
- Basic supportive or educational contact
- Community networking and support
- Assessments, referrals, and resources
- Development and distribution of educational materials
- Media and public service announcements
This is a non-clinical program designed to provide outreach, support, and connection to resources and services.
Video Overview of Starting Over Strong Vermont
Video Available in Languages other than English
Complete Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0uaGz81U--6z2ockGmpWlWpyEFmGCLEU
American Sign Language (ASL): https://youtu.be/7OxN8iMDSCY
Arabic: https://youtu.be/OWMOYW7cRfQ
Bosnian: https://youtu.be/BidtSs0jP4M
Burmese: https://youtu.be/nEJ5brqERyE
Dari: https://youtu.be/S5GmvYuAluY
French: https://youtu.be/6PXqNPDdUQY
Kreyol: https://youtu.be/DcVGxQ-GLXs
Kirundi: https://youtu.be/sqt2E6WiaJA
Maay Maay: https://youtu.be/RC3HSUmwRFI
Mandarin: https://youtu.be/emIdj3XeTFo
Nepali: https://youtu.be/WnmFVTTgs4o
Pashto: https://youtu.be/_OpJ9Xbm04k
Somali: https://youtu.be/WzxxzZ7JnT4
Spanish: https://youtu.be/ZdZBdAQkw2Q
Swahili: https://youtu.be/WUMx2p4xCo4
Tigrinya: https://youtu.be/yEvZcmHacEc
Ukrainian: https://youtu.be/M1h-grOnFvY
Vietnamese: https://youtu.be/EqxnfSJDS4U